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A Transcript Of Senator Prices Address To The National Press Club

Jacinta Price on the Voice: A Powerful Speech

A Transcript of Senator Price's Address to the National Press Club


Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price, a strong advocate for the rights of Indigenous Australians, recently delivered a powerful speech to the National Press Club. In her address, she outlined her reasons for opposing the proposed Voice to Parliament, an advisory body that would represent Indigenous Australians' views to the Australian Government.

Price's Concerns

Price raised several concerns about the Voice, including:

  • Lack of democratic legitimacy: The Voice would be an unelected body, which Price argued would lack the democratic mandate to represent Indigenous voices.
  • Duplication of services: Price contended that the Voice would duplicate the functions of existing Indigenous representative organizations, potentially creating confusion and fragmentation.
  • Division and conflict: Price expressed concern that the Voice could potentially divide Indigenous Australians and foster conflict between different groups.

Alternative Approaches

Price put forward alternative approaches to addressing the challenges facing Indigenous Australians, such as:

  • Empowering Indigenous communities: Providing Indigenous communities with the resources and autonomy they need to improve their own lives.
  • Improving government services: Investing in better health, education, and housing services tailored to the unique needs of Indigenous Australians.
  • Recognizing Indigenous sovereignty: Respecting the inherent rights and self-determination of Indigenous peoples.


Price concluded her speech by urging the government to reject the Voice and explore alternative solutions that truly empower Indigenous Australians. She emphasized the importance of listening to diverse Indigenous perspectives and working together to create a better future for all Australians.

Additional Notes

The speech was met with mixed reactions, with some supporting Price's views and others criticizing her stance. The issue of Indigenous representation in Australia remains a complex and ongoing debate.
